Report: Net-Zero Roadmap for China’s Steel Industry

The goal of this study is to develop a roadmap for deep decarbonization of the Chinese steel industry. It analyzed the current status of the Chinese steel industry and developed scenarios for 2050 to assess different decarbonization pathways that can substantially reduce the CO2 emissions of the steel industry in China. It included five major decarbonization pillars in our analysis: 1) demand reduction, 2) energy efficiency, 3) fuel switching, electrification, and grid decarbonization, 4) technology shift to low-carbon steelmaking, 5) carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS).


Authors: Ali Hasanbeigi, Hongyou Lu, and Nan Zhou, March 2023


Report: Emissions Measurement and Data Collection for a Net Zero Steel Industry


Report: Unlocking the First Wave of Breakthrough Steel Investments in the United Kingdom