Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: Corporate Climate Transition Plans

Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) has released a guide that outlines exactly what investors should expect from corporate climate transition plans. The guide provides 5 principles, that includes an outline of the expectations from the relevant sector. To read up on the steel sector, head to page 11.

Author: Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC), 2022

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Ferth Manaysay Ferth Manaysay

Global Steel Production Costs

This report by TransitionZero and Global Efficiency Intelligence presents a study on steel production costs in major steel producing countries around the world. The analysis is carried out both at the country-level and plant-level, and showcases yearly production costs between 2019 to 2021, broken down by the major cost components of the steel production: namely raw materials, energy, labor, and “other costs”. In addition to estimating total steel production cost in each country, we have also estimated the steel production cost for both primary steelmaking, using blast furnace and basic oxygen furnace (BF-BOF), and secondary steelmaking using electric arc furnace (EAF), separately.

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Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: Global Steel at a Crossroads

So, why does the global steel sector need to invest in climate-neutral technologies in the decade of the 2020s and not the latter? Agora's paper identifies that 71% of the coal-based blast furnaces used in the steel industry will actually finish their functioning lifespan before we reach the year of 2030. Essentially this means that these critical decisions about where re-investments are needed, have to be made now. As result, this means that any decisions made after 2030 about investments or carbon capture and storage will carry a high risk.

Author: Agora, 2021

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Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: What does it take to achieve net zero? Opportunities and barriers in the steel, cement, agriculture, and oil and gas sectors

How do we actually achieve net-zero across these different sectors? The Stockholm Environment Institute collaborates with sustainability experts to decipher exactly what is required from these sectors to reach the net zero transitions. They also dive into the idea of “active engagement”, explaining the importance of such interactions from investors and what they need to know to have economic impact on these high-emitting sectors.

Author: Stockholm Environment Institute, 2021

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Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: Climate Action 100+ Global Sector Strategies: Investors Interventions to Accelerate Net Zero Steel

Investors are a key contributing factor to the decarbonisation of the steel sector. This report provides investors with the critical details of how they can help with. this transition in the sector. The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) report discusses the steel sector itself, the decarbonisation journey ahead, and what is required to overcome the perceived obstacles to reach net zero by 2050.

Author: Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), 2021

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Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: Steeling Demand: Mobilising Buyers to Bring Net-Zero Steel to Market Before 2030

With 2030 approaching, all investments in the steel sector must align with the net-zero goal. This means that investors should be making these decisions now due to lifespan of steel assets. Material Economics' provides investors with recommendations on how to become involved in the commercialisation of low-CO₂ steel technologies.

Author: Material Economics, 2021

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