Net-Zero 101
To get you caught up to speed on the topic of Net-Zero, as well as its grave importance in the steel sector, we have gathered some key reading content and news to do exactly that.
Leadit report “From ‘Hard-to-Abate’ to Net-Zero: Policy Priorities for Decarbonizing Steel by 2050” draws on the best available data, to stress the urgency required to initiate the sector’s transition. There is no debate that rapid action is needed to prevent new blast furnaces from being added, as well as existing ones from being relined - all by 2025.
So we understand that net-zero is critical in the built environment space, but how do we actually achieve this? Nature’s article identifies the core nine priorities that could take steel and cement closer to being carbon neutral.
For a change in tone, Wood Mackenzie brings some positivity through his piece. Through a report Reuters had access to, Wood Mackenzie found carbon dioxide emissions from the world's steel sector will fall 30% by 2050. This can be linked to more mills making the change to less-polluting electric arc furnaces (EAF).
Resource 1: “From ‘Hard-to-Abate’ to Net-Zero: Policy Priorities for Decarbonizing Steel by 2050”
Author & Year: Leadit, 2021
Resource 2: Cement and steel — nine steps to net zero
Author & Year: Nature, 2022
Resource 3: Steel industry carbon emissions to drop nearly 1/3 by 2050 - Woodmac
Author & Year: Reuters, 2022