Podcast Tierney Smith Podcast Tierney Smith

Podcast: The Will and the Way

Where there's a will there's a way, so goes the saying - but is there a way for decarbonising energy-intensive industries? In this episode of the Tata Steel podcast, with guest Gareth Stace who is the Director General of Trade Association UK Steel, they discuss the importance of a supportive political framework. The conversation covers a range of intersecting topics including the challenges faced when ensuring policies in this energy arena, as well as how energy-intensive industries rely on these policies to achieve decarbonisation.

Author: Tata Steel, 2022

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Podcast Tierney Smith Podcast Tierney Smith

Podcast: COP26 Series: Kickstarting the market for green concrete and green steel - how can green public procurement create momentum?

How can green public procurement create momentum? Rana Ghoneim, Chief of the Energy Systems and Infrastructure Division at the UN’s Industrial Development Organization, joins the podcast Decarb Connect to discuss her and the organisation’s contributions to help ignite the implement of green public procurement. They also deep dive into the impact on the market for low carbon products and green infrastructure.

Author: Decarb Connect, 2021

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Report, Briefing, Podcast, Video, Presentation, News, Blog Tierney Smith Report, Briefing, Podcast, Video, Presentation, News, Blog Tierney Smith

Report: Global Facility Level Net-Zero Steel Pathways

" Net-zero steel is possible, but it means that by the end of this decade all new & retrofit facilities globally must be clean." Global Energy Monitor & IDDRI have produced 3 resources that cover all bases in this transition journey.

Author: Global Energy Monitor & IDDRI, 2021

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