Report: Phasing Out the Blast Furnace to Meet Global Climate Targets

Most of steel is currently produced in blast furnaces and if it weren't for this technology, steel mass production would never have been possible in the first place. However, if we face 10 more years of inaction, steel consumes 12% of the remaining 1.5°C carbon budget.

"Phasing out the blast furnace to meet global climate targets" paper identifies that there is a greater opportunity to reduce emissions than first noted. It all comes down to equipment-level analyses that are conducted and ensuring that reinvestments aren’t supporting coal-based blast furnaces. This opportunity and approach can also be applied to other industries that prove to be emission-intensive.

Resource: Phasing Out the Blast Furnace to Meet Global Climate Targets

Author & Year: Valentin Vogl, Olle Olsson & Björn Nykvist, 2021


Report: What does it take to achieve net zero? Opportunities and barriers in the steel, cement, agriculture, and oil and gas sectors


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