Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: Starting From Scrap

What is circularity and how can it help to accelerate the steel sector? Sandbag's latest report discuss how this process combined with the European industrial sector and climate policy can help to accelerate the transition.

Author: Sandbag, 2022

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Report Dani Robertson Report Dani Robertson

Report: Regional supply chains for decarbonising steel: Energy efficiency and green premium mitigation

This study investigates the direct reduced iron-electric arc furnace production route enabled by renewable energy and deployed in regional settings. The hypothesis, that co-locating manufacturing processes with renewable energy resources would offer highest energy efficiency and cost reduction, is tested through an Australia-Japan case study.

Author: Alexandra Devlin & Aidong Yang, 2022

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Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: Carbon Capture and Storage in the decisive decade for decarbonisation - The case for Asia

With a key focus on Asia, the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) analyses the challenges currently being faced in adopting carbon, capture and storage (CCS) in the decarbonisation journey of the energy sector. These barriers have created implications within decided strategies of all actors involved, including governments, industries and companies. AIGCC presents recommendations for investors and companies to defeat these challenges and achieve the CCS adaption.

Author: Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC), 2021

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Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: What Tata Steel's attempts to decarbonise tell us

CarbonCopy focuses on the topic of energy consumption through the telling of a tale in their piece "What Tata Steel's attempts to decarbonise tell us". It follows two steel companies and what their contradictory approaches articulate to us about India’s response to the renewables revolution. Ultimately it raises the question of, “are India’s manufacturing value chains ready for the energy transition?”

Author: CarbonCopy, 2021

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Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: Phasing Out the Blast Furnace to Meet Global Climate Targets

Most of steel is currently produced in blast furnaces and if it weren't for this technology, steel mass production would never have been possible in the first place. However, if we face 10 more years of inaction, steel consumes 12% of the remaining 1.5°C carbon budget. "Phasing out the blast furnace to meet global climate targets" paper identifies that there is a greater opportunity to reduce emissions than first noted. It all comes down to equipment-level analyses that are conducted and ensuring that reinvestments aren’t supporting coal-based blast furnaces. This opportunity and approach can also be applied to other industries that prove to be emission-intensive.

Author: Valentin Vogl, Olle Olsson & Björn Nykvist, 2021

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News Tierney Smith News Tierney Smith

News: The Promise of Carbon-Neutral Steel

The New Yorker's contributing writer Matthew Hutson has identified a new manufacturing technique that may lead to radically reducing the greenhouse-gas emissions of one the modern world’s most used materials. You guessed it, we are talking about steel. In "The Promise of Carbon-Neutral Steel" article, Matthew Hutson tells you more about this technology, and how it could be deployed on a large scale to guide the future towards a clean steel industry.

Author: Matthew Hutson, The New Yorker, 2021

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Ferth Manaysay Ferth Manaysay

Report: Emerging Energy-efficiency and Carbon Dioxide Emissions-reduction Technologies for the Iron and Steel Industry

This report consolidates available information on 56 emerging iron and steel industry technologies, with the intent of providing a well-structured database of information on these technologies for engineers, researchers, investors, steel companies, policy makers, and other interested parties. For each technology included, we provide information on energy savings and environmental and other benefits, costs, and commercialization status; we also identify references for more information.

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