Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: Green Public Procurement: Catalysing the Net-Zero Economy

The government’s procurement activities, regardless of their level, are in some way accountable for 15% of greenhouse gas emissions. According to the Green Public Procurement: Catalysing the Net-Zero Economy (by the World Economic Forum), if these emissions were subsided it would result in approximately $4 trillion boost in the green economy. Read further to know about the advantages and disadvantages of green procurement, as well as gaining a sense of direction on how these activities can achieve the overall goal of net-zero.

Author: World Economic Forum, 2022

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Podcast Tierney Smith Podcast Tierney Smith

Podcast: COP26 Series: Kickstarting the market for green concrete and green steel - how can green public procurement create momentum?

How can green public procurement create momentum? Rana Ghoneim, Chief of the Energy Systems and Infrastructure Division at the UN’s Industrial Development Organization, joins the podcast Decarb Connect to discuss her and the organisation’s contributions to help ignite the implement of green public procurement. They also deep dive into the impact on the market for low carbon products and green infrastructure.

Author: Decarb Connect, 2021

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Ferth Manaysay Ferth Manaysay

Report: Federal Buy Clean for Cement and Steel: Policy Design and Impact on Industrial Emissions and Competitiveness

This study estimated the CO2 emissions associated with cement and steel used in public construction projects and the potential impact of Buy Clean to reduce those emissions. Approximately half of the annual CO2 emissions associated with cement consumption is associated with public construction which was around 36 Mt CO2 in 2018. Of this, around 25% is associated with government-funded projects using federal funds and the remaining is related to public projects using states and local governments-own funds.

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Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: Fostering Industry Transition Through Green Public Procurement

Fostering the industry transition through green public procurement is easier said than done. In this paper, Fostering industry transition through green public procurement: A how to guide in the cement & steel sectors, produced by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT), it presents a “how-to guide” for the cement and steel sectors. This guide includes a breakdown of the elements of green public procurement policy design, and the methodologies required for target setting.

Author: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) & Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT), 2021

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