Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: Making Net Zero Steel Possible

There is no argument about what the mission is - we need to cut emissions significantly and reach net-zero by 2050. Additionally, there needs to be a stop to investors engaging with carbon intensive technology and assets. The report "Net-Zero Steel: Sector Transition Strategy", by the Mission Possible Partnership, details a net-zero transition strategy that is backed by science and the industry itself. This strategy identifies exactly what needs to happen before 2050, to limit the rise in global temperatures to 1.5°C

Author: Mission Possible Partnership, 2022

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Blog: The Path to Decarbonizing India's Steel and Cement Industry

In order to align India’s steel and cement industrial sectors with the low-carbon pathways, both public policy and financial support are required for immediate action. These industries are two of India’s largest CO20-emitting sectors and must be attended to. “The Path to Decarbonizing India’s Steel and Cement Industry” blog post acknowledges that there needs to be the right mix of solutions brought into play, including receiving local and international support, change in public policy and technological advances.

Author: Yash Kashyap, Climate Policy Initiative, 2021

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Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: Steel Climate Impact

With the global steel production having substantially increased from 2000 to 2020, it appears that. the demand for steel will only continue to increase. In Global Efficiency Intelligence’s report Global Efficiency Intelligence, they set out to create the international benchmarking for energy and CO2 intensities related to steel, allowing you to know which are the countries in the world guiding the industry's future, and what factors are contributing to this.

Author: Global Efficiency Intelligence, 2022

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Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: Corporate Climate Transition Plans

Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) has released a guide that outlines exactly what investors should expect from corporate climate transition plans. The guide provides 5 principles, that includes an outline of the expectations from the relevant sector. To read up on the steel sector, head to page 11.

Author: Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC), 2022

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Report: Towards Carbon Neutral Steel in Japan

Japan announced its carbon neutrality goal by 2050, but plans to actually get there are lacking. As industry sectors account for 37% of Japan’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and iron and steel are important materials widely used by a multitude of industries, "Towards Carbon Neutral Steel in Japan" learns from the latest trends in the European Union to stimulate proactive discussion and contribute to Japan’s policy decision making.

Author: Renewable Energy Institute, 2021

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Report: Global Steel at a Crossroads

So, why does the global steel sector need to invest in climate-neutral technologies in the decade of the 2020s and not the latter? Agora's paper identifies that 71% of the coal-based blast furnaces used in the steel industry will actually finish their functioning lifespan before we reach the year of 2030. Essentially this means that these critical decisions about where re-investments are needed, have to be made now. As result, this means that any decisions made after 2030 about investments or carbon capture and storage will carry a high risk.

Author: Agora, 2021

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Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: 1.5C Steel: decarbonising the steel sector in Paris-compatible pathways

In order to achieve the 1.5°C pathway, all sectors must keep in line and there can be no outliers - the steel sector is no exception to this. Steel decarbonisation has to occur rapidly, including a combined effort from national and international levels to underpin the shift in policy and the sector as a whole. Written by E3G in partnership with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, "1.5C Steel: decarbonising the steel sector in Paris-compatible pathways" examines those challenges at global and regional levels, by unpacking the implications for the steel decarbonisation transformation pathway.

Author: E3G & Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2021

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Report: Steeling for Net Zero

Are European steel companies ready for the climate transition? Industry Tracker set out to answer this through its report "Steeling for net zero". By focusing on 10 of the largest primary steel producing companies in Europe, they have provided an in-depth assessment on just how well positioned each are to initiate transition plans to net-zero. Check out the report to know the final ranking of each company!

Author: Industry Tracker, 2021

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Report Tierney Smith Report Tierney Smith

Report: Climate Action 100+ Global Sector Strategies: Investors Interventions to Accelerate Net Zero Steel

Investors are a key contributing factor to the decarbonisation of the steel sector. This report provides investors with the critical details of how they can help with. this transition in the sector. The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) report discusses the steel sector itself, the decarbonisation journey ahead, and what is required to overcome the perceived obstacles to reach net zero by 2050.

Author: Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), 2021

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Report: Fostering Industry Transition Through Green Public Procurement

Fostering the industry transition through green public procurement is easier said than done. In this paper, Fostering industry transition through green public procurement: A how to guide in the cement & steel sectors, produced by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT), it presents a “how-to guide” for the cement and steel sectors. This guide includes a breakdown of the elements of green public procurement policy design, and the methodologies required for target setting.

Author: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) & Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT), 2021

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Blog: Pathways to Decarbonisation Episode Two: Steelmaking Technology

BHP’s second episode in their “Pathways to Decarbonisation” series dives into the details of how steel is manufactured. From here, they explain in a non-technical tone the strategies and technologies required for the steel decarbonisation journey. This episode is accompanied by infographics, videos and visual diagrams that will give you a sense of ease in understanding the basics.

Author: Dr Ben Ellis & Wenjun Bao, BHP, 2020

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Report, Briefing, Podcast, Video, Presentation, News, Blog Tierney Smith Report, Briefing, Podcast, Video, Presentation, News, Blog Tierney Smith

Report: Global Facility Level Net-Zero Steel Pathways

" Net-zero steel is possible, but it means that by the end of this decade all new & retrofit facilities globally must be clean." Global Energy Monitor & IDDRI have produced 3 resources that cover all bases in this transition journey.

Author: Global Energy Monitor & IDDRI, 2021

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